Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Models Own Eyelash Curler Review

I bought these last week, when, at the peak of my despair over the fugliness of my eyes, I resorted to desperate measures: the medieval torture device-lookalike that is the eyelash curler.
To this items credit, it didn’t gouge my eyes out, which is why I’d been evading them for many a year, and after watching a few YouTube tutorials I immediately picked up how they worked. Furthermore, the hot pink handles of the product are what set it apart for me from the cheaper but dull-looking Boots own-brand, and the more expensive and sophisticated looking No.7 version of the item.
My main gripe with the product is a pretty big one, and that is of functionality. I did what the tutorials said: slotted my eyelashes into the gap and help it up for 30 seconds, and my eyelashes did not curl. At all. Now, it would be harsh to fault that entirely with the product because my eyelashes, like my hair, are the most stubbornly straight little buggers in the universe and I sort of knew before even buying the product that eyelash curlers would make very little difference. But I didn’t know they’d make none whatsoever. So really, the process of me “curling” my eyelashes proved to be nothing other than a Placebo effect that costs £6. My eyelashes are, and are doomed forever to be, irredeemably small and ugly.
Grade: C/D

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