I honestly think that this year’s Mock the Week is the best so far and, because I’m a bit depressed because my iPod is broken upon irretrievable limits, here’s to listing them!
01. Russell Howard’s monologue about newspapers. The Sun hollering, “Are you a paedo?! Are you a paedo? Are you a paedo?” incessantly, The Daily Express still lamenting Diana, The independent’s shock tactics to getting readers to care about the environment, The Daily Mail’s bigotry and The Guardian’s penchant for wallcharts… classic. “YOU JUST KILLED A POLAR BEAR!”
02. Hugh Denis envisioning what it’d be like for John Cain, who can only lift his arms up to shoulder level, to feed himself.
03. Michael McIntyre’s anecdote about “Slow Arab”.
04. All the Josef Fritzl jokes… “Welcome to meet our families. Mr Fritzl, where’s yours?” “It’s not the Von Trapp family, but it’s the Trapped family!” “Ignore the banging, she’s been in there for 24 years!”
05. “What’s that joker? You’ll be back? Somehow, I don’t think so.” – Frankie Boyle. So, so harsh, but my brother and I were in stitches with cruel laughter.
06. “There is a vegetarian option… you can fuck off!”
07. The spoof of M&S. “This isn’t just a gimp. This is an S&M gimp”
08. Just the general weird voice that Russell Howard uses that goes quite deep and bizarre.
09. "Marks & Spencers Potatoes, They're just fucking potatoes"
10. “Hello, I’m back from my canoeing trip!”
11. The discussion about laptops and porn.
Also, I reckon Mock the Week is rather good value for the pretty. Russell Howard’s Peter Crouch-lookalike is my no.1, but Ed Byrne’s Irish accent completely makes me swoon, and Mark Watson, once you get used to his hyperactiveness, is completely adorable too.
So if you don’t watch it, what are you waiting for? It’s all up on YouTube, and I guarantee that you'll be laughing for ages. :D
You gonna watch this?
I haven't seen all of the episodes I missed yet but my favourite bit was Russell's newpaper rant. "Crickeeeet!" I love Michael McIntyre and Mark Watson too. There was also that bit where the guy lifted upo Russell, he looked so small and cute there. Can't wait to see Greg Proops on the show.
I've heard David Mitchell will be on next week!
you watch mtw with your brother? that's not very responsible!
You think that's bad… he wanted me to show him Se7en!!! I don't THINK so!
But yeah, it's weird 'cos he's actually kind of innocent, so whenever they talk about porn or whatever he doesn't understand. He gets the jokes about sex changes and Josef Fritzl, but he doesn't understand specific sex-related jokes, so he just laughs along stupidly. ^_^
Emma, love! (you know me from school, promise)
I heard this joke, thought it wouldn't be out of place on Mock the week:
Where does Gary Glitter want to live now?
A nursery.
Emma, love! (you know me from school, promise)
I heard this joke, thought it wouldn't be out of place on Mock the week:
Where does Gary Glitter want to live now?
A nursery.
LOL, bung! That is gold.
Who are you then? :P
I saw a lot of helpful data above!
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