This entry is probably the epitome of narcissistic, but, what can I say, it's a Saturday afternoon and I'm bored. So, which of these following pics should I pic as my twitter and Facebook display pic, and wai, please and thank you.
A picture from 10 years ago?
Me faffing about on a friend's iPhone?
Me sitting down?
Drinking beer?
Group photo?
Chillin' with the bro?
Wearing a skirt?
When I had long hair?
Or something else you've seen on here/FB/twitter?
lol, so self-preening.
So vain.
And to answer your question, anything's better than the one of you and your brother in your Chelsea and Spurs strips. Vom. The beer one is very "you", but you look hottest in the silver dress.
Oh sorry, I didn't see you'd changed your twitter one.
The current one is good, I like the irony. :p
The second one.
That dress you're wearing in "group photo" is gorgeous. And so is the guy to the right of the beer pic.
I'd go with Iphone.
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