Emma's Archives!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

OOTD: new haircut

With the sun finally hitting the UK, I decided my long hair of previous was getting too unmanageable, and thus, in trimming it, I've gone from Alicia Vikander in The Light Between Oceans length to Jessica Chastain in Miss Sloane length! And, in keeping consistent with the Chastain look, I've duly painted my nails black, like Liz Sloane had!

Dress: Marietta dress from Hobbs
Earrings: Amazon
Glasses: Red or Dead

The Marietta dress is now  the third dress from Hobbs I own (the other two: un et deux). Their dresses are perfect for the kind of aesthetic I'm going for at work: elegant and demure.

I find clothes definitely help with the 'fake it 'til you make it' mentality, by which I mean, even if I'm in a sub-optimal mood, if I'm at least sharply dressed at work, I feel better about myself. This then helps to improve my frame of mind, and how I carry out my work.

Mark Twain absolutely nailed it when he said 'clothes make the man'.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 am

    My new favorite way to relax is by playing Adult Brain Teasers. Even though my day is packed with activities, spending a few moments to solve a complex problem helps me relax and clear my head. Solving these puzzles gives me an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, and it's remarkable how they keep my brain working. Since you started using brain teasers regularly, have you seen any improvements in your ability to concentrate or solve problems?


Hai. Comment here.