Emma's Archives!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I’m so Thirsty (You already know).

When I’m not whining about how terrible the music in La La Land was, I like to sample a wide range of food and drink. My brother, graciously, shares this passion, so when he was back home over the Christmas holidays we basically raised Tesco and just bought whatever drinks we thought looked pretty.

Here be photos of and brief thoughts on said buys!

A very tasty spin on the cream soda and grape soda flavours. Word of warning: it is very sweet (drinking too many of these will probably make you require fillings), but one now and then makes for a delicious treat. 8/10.

This was very fizzy! When I opened it up at my desk, the fizz erupted and I had to thoroughly clean my sticky desk afterwards, sigh. The apple taste was a bit artificial, though not so much so as the smell of the Body Shop peach scrub. At least it did help me concentrate, so, there is that. 6/10.

I didn't like the Cookies & Cream drink. The lemon one was OK, although I prefer bog-standard lemonade, so it can't be that good. 4/10.

Yuck! The protein and fibre content of this drink was pungent and I couldn't savour the fruit / chocolate component because it was completely masked by the protein. 2/10

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I'm trying to wean myself off coffee (I heard it's bad for your skin), and drinking herbal teas instead. This was a much more palatable taste to the muck I usually drink; I loved the way the cranberry and raspberry complemented each other. 8/10

I normally wouldn't trust something with the word 'Taylor' in as far as I could throw it (hi Wolf of Fleet Street), but this was a classy drink. For the money-conscious, both this and the Twinings' teabags can be re-used for a second brew; the drink is almost as potent and tasty a second time round.  8/10.

Ugly by name, ugly by nature. It was basically carbonated water, a drink I avoid ordinarily. For good reason. 2/10.

Not a tea I'll be revisiting. This drink was marketed as 'healthy', which immediately warned me it might not taste very nice. It didn't. 3/10.


All my product reviews are listed here. If you would like me to write about your products, drop me an e-mail at lemon_and_lime7@hotmail.com

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