Emma's Archives!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The 3498348th photo wherein I sport my Union Jack Lolitas.

Tut tut, this is the second time in a month that I've done an entry consisting of photos of myself. To paraphrase Kanye West, "How could she be so vain?" Anyway, I just had to show off this lovely bright orange Ivory Coast T-shirt I have: -

I can't wait for the World Cup!! I had a random dream last night that it was France v Germany and Evra and Ballack were all up in each other's faces; Ballack had bodychecked Evra and as retaliation Evra clipped Ballack. Felt SO convincing! Then I woke up and realised that this had actually happened this season in the community shield, heh. Though there's no chance of that actually happening now :-(

Hmmm, speaking of football, here's a photo of me at Eastlands (gorgeous football ground, btw) :


  1. Oh, it's okay. The glasses are awesome.

    However, I would be more inclined to tolerate you-centric posts if you were also sporting a stylish fedora.


  2. What's a fedora? x

  3. monkey8:16 pm

    you look cute in the sunnies picture, but you look fucking FINE in the coms photo!

  4. You're just saying that, but it's lovely to hear all the same. ♥

  5. Hey, there's a great deal of effective info here!


Hai. Comment here.