Emma's Archives!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Top 5 of 2007 Vs. Top 5 of 2006.

Naff pic I know but I’ve only just gotten Photoshop so there!

In the blue corner, we have The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Atonement, Persepolis, No Country for Old Men and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

In the red corner, we have Pan’s Labyrinth, The History Boys, Offside, Volver, and Red Road.

Now, for me, Diving Bell < Pan’s
Atonement = History Boys
Persepolis < Offside
No Country for Old Men < Volver
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford > Red Road

With three wins and a draw, 2006 takes it.


  1. atonment >>>>>>>> history boys.

    offside is about the only iranian film I can stand. oh the irony. xxx

  2. Anonymous7:59 pm

    2007 was a great year for film! What about "There Will Be Blood", "Ratatouille" and "Juno"?

  3. hey I saw your comment for Girl With a Pearl Earring when I was browsing IMDB, then I saw your blog link. I'm all about the movies, as well, so I enjoyed browsing your page :)

    your films in the "red corner" definately have more creativity involved, I think. Although, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly was one of the best foreign films I've seen in a while!

  4. Really useful info, lots of thanks for your post.


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